A really important Perspective piece was published recently in the NEJM, and I am proud to say that one of our colleagues,
Margot Kushel, was senior author.
The authors, all leading health services researchers who focus on homelessness, summarized the literature on permanent supportive housing with the explicit intention of reframing the debate about the value of these services. They tackled heads-on the issue of justification of supportive housing via the invocation of cost savings. They acknowledged that the more rigorous trials have failed to show savings except for extreme high users and asked us to consider, or rather, reconsider, why supportive housing needs to be held to this standard when other interventions in the health care system need only show reasonable cost-effectiveness.
The Perspective piece is a must read for several
reasons -- I, for one, had no idea of the cost of supportive housing,
which apparently runs from $8000-18000 per year -- but the reason I
think it is hugely important is that is directly
tackles the question of their values and ours. Amazingly, Kushel and
her team actually invoked a moral standard in explaining why permanent
supportive housing is important. This may seem like no big deal but it
runs contrary to the predominant strategy of
many well-intentioned researchers who work on the relationship between
social determinants of health and health outcomes. We researchers
appear to have bought into the framework that we should only spend
public monies if they save monies, an argument built
on the twin false frameworks of scarcity and deservedness. That is,
that public money is scarce, and that marginal people should only be
invested in if it helps the rest of us. The first is false and the
second is a moral argument which Kushel rejects.
Yet the prevailing strategy has been to accept this framing and try to
demonstrate savings.
This accommodative strategy evolved for good reasons. First, it made sense that the supportive housing
could be cost saving and that was certainly a good reason to
examine cost tradeoffs. Second, it was and is the path of least
resistance. Rather than get into a big, mushy debate about values, the
argument goes, we should simply see if we can make improvements
within the dominant framework. But as this Perspective states, this
could be a failing strategy if the facts don’t cooperate. And, most
importantly, it deprives us of the real justification for our work. And
the end of the day, it comes down to one thing:
their values and ours. This article gives me strength to articulate
that position. Its publication in the NEJM may signal shifts within the
medical mainstream.
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